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We help hundreds of people like you understand how the latest changes in employment law impact your business. Trusted by over 1,000 HR professionals and employment lawyers throughout Northern Ireland.
1 User

For individuals

1 User

Instant access to the Employment Lab Hub, with zero limitations.

£295.00 + VAT /year

What's included

  • Help understand the ramifications of each important case from NI, GB and Europe

  • Ensure your organisation’s policies and procedures are fully compliant with NI law

  • 24/7 access to all the content in the Legal Island Vault for research case law and HR issues

  • Receive free preliminary advice on workplace issues from the employment team

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5 Users

For small companies

5 Users

Instant access to the Employment Lab Hub, with zero limitations.

£595.00 + VAT /year

What's included

  • Help understand the ramifications of each important case from NI, GB and Europe

  • Ensure your organisation’s policies and procedures are fully compliant with NI law

  • 24/7 access to all the content in the Legal Island Vault for research case law and HR issues

  • Receive free preliminary advice on workplace issues from the employment team

10 Users

For big companies

10 Users

Instant access to the Employment Lab Hub, with zero limitations.

£895.00 + VAT /year

What's included

  • Help understand the ramifications of each important case from NI, GB and Europe

  • Ensure your organisation’s policies and procedures are fully compliant with NI law

  • 24/7 access to all the content in the Legal Island Vault for research case law and HR issues

  • Receive free preliminary advice on workplace issues from the employment team

For multi-user subscriptions over 10 users, please email our support team
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