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Mediation and Conflict in the Workplace
Published on: 14/10/2019
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Legal Island

A range of videos and articles are available on the Legal Island Hub that deal provide guidance on what mediation is; when to use it and who should mediate.  Here is a selection:

Mediation Video Series

In this video series Dorcas Crawford, discusses the various elements of workplace mediation.

  • Why Workplace Mediation Works
  • The Parties’ Role in Workplace Mediation
  • The Neutral Mediator – What Neutrality Means and What it Entails
  • How to Embed a Mediation Culture into Your Organisation

What does mediation involve and are there any drawbacks?

Seamus McGranaghan, O’Reilly Stewart Solicitors discusses the pros and cons of mediation.

Who needs a mediator anyway?

This is a common question, as people try to understand the distinctions between terms such as mediate, conciliate, facilitate, or simply advise? At the core of the decision to engage a mediator is always a wish to find a solution to what the parties determine is, in some way, an intractable issue. I think a good description as to what a skilled mediator brings is “Any process for resolving disputes in which another person helps parties negotiate a settlement.”  Steve Tweed of &|Ampersand discusses what a mediator does and who needs them.

What sort of Mediation do you want?

Mediation comes in many forms, some more successful than others.   Steve Tweed, of &|Ampersand discusses a number of mediation options.

Independent third-party mediation - alternative approach for managing reorganisation

This article reflects on a case study in which independent third-party mediation is employed as a successful and timely alternative to traditional approaches used in managing reorganisation. This case study demonstrates how mediation can be used to avoid a potentially costly and damaging dispute.


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Disclaimer The information in this article is provided as part of Legal Island's Employment Law Hub. We regret we are not able to respond to requests for specific legal or HR queries and recommend that professional advice is obtained before relying on information supplied anywhere within this article. This article is correct at 14/10/2019